What is technomancy?
I think we can split the word up into two parts techno or Greek for (skill, art, or craft) and -mancy or manteia (divination). You can find other sources on Wikipedia with links to games, films, and other such stuff. But in this instance it could also mean a magical ability to control technology including the ability to divine, manifest and a gift for prophecy.
The goal of this site is provide a digital path with instructions on how to perform pseudo occult magic using modern technology. But perhaps even a bit more strange and weird. Like Tron level weirdness. Okay maybe not the ability to teleport into the grid. But you can definitely astral travel there. I'm also talking about living programs that you write at thought form level, ISO's that create significant change. Divine source, chaos source, and plenty of code to play with. Servitors, Sigils, angelic and demonic battles all with AI and ML playing a part as a lurker or active practice.
What is Magic
Finding an accurate definition for magic can be a challenge. Its a combination of art, and science coupled with will and intention to produce change. Here are some other definitions.
Aliester Crowley stated that "Magic is the Science and Art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will".
Dion Fortuned states that "Magic is the art of causing changes to take place in consciousness in accordance with will."
Donald Michael Kraig: "Magic is the science and art of causing change (in consciousness) to occur in conformity with will, using means not currently understood by traditional Western Science."
The Cicero's state: "Magic is an art and a science the goal of which is to produce changes in both internal and external reality (subjective and objective reality) through the knowledge of divine powers and the manipulation of unseen forces inherent to both realities.
Magic is not black or white, good nor bad, beneficial nor harmful. Its simply a process Its the magicians intent whether positive of negative.
Magic works in unusual ways. Its creative and can be both physical or spiritual. Its not limited by the constraints of time or space and always seeks the path of least resistance mostly. More often then not it resembles luck and or coincidence. Some would say synchronistic.
Magic does have laws. In the book on "Dogma and Ritual of High magic" Eliphas Levi acknowledged three basic laws.
- The law of human will power: we see that as will and intention together somewhat
- The law of the astral light: we see that as man, chi or Prana.
- The law of correspondence: sings, symbols and associations.
Plenty of other laws have come after such as visualization, imagination, 7 fold path, laws regarding death or the dead, compulsion, and violation of someone's will.
Intention is really the key. The magician needs to have very clear and precise goal in mind. Its also one of the most misunderstood. Because its not everything. Other things play a part including the discipline to perform the necessary ritual or exercise. Practicality and realistic expectations play a huge part. You won't be blessed with talent if you don't have the necessary talent begin with. Sure you can learn a new skill and work the magic in that skill over time with practice. This is a matter of having intention, will and alignment matching up with the flow of current.
Transformation and Change
The attainment of the Philosophers Stone. Transformation is an act that changes the magician from within in a very profound way using ethereal, material and intellectual bodies. The very act of pursuing this path will cause transformation and change. Alchemy and its philosophical language is the guide.
Meditation and gnosis
The magician's goal is to reach that state of altered consciousness. This is the tricky part and you have to find what works for you. It can easily be achieved through practiced meditation. Key word practiced. That is where the problem arises because there are multiple forms of meditation to choose from. But gnosis is the goal. To be frank gnosis is a pain to achieve and those who do achieve go through significant change during the process. If not its likely those that tell you its easy to achieve have not done so themselves. Well at least not often enough. There are tricks to get you to the altered state. Simply listening to music can do it. Its better through chanting, singing, dancing, drumming or playing some other instrument. Theatrical performance, symbols, smells, costumes, artifacts and scenery all contribute and properly tune a desired state of consciousness.
Computers transform and change things just like magic. We live in an age where computers dominate everything from cars to household appliances. We carry powerful computers in our pockets as cell phones or on our wrist as android or apple watches. Goods and services are exchanged for digital cash. Just about everything seems to have a computer or microcontroller embedded somewhere.
Let us hope we don't have a power outage because everything is driven by Wifi, Blue-tooth, infrared, cellular, or radio. Department stores rely on electricity to function and if they have a power outage and the backup generator does not kick in they our down for business.
Few stores stay open during power outages because the POS relies on internet access to complete the transaction. Cash transactions have decreased due to the increase in digital purchases.
Computers are a modern medium that allows you the sorcerer to write spells, paint sigils, chat rituals, and program AI Elemental's to do your bidding.
The journey will be a difficult one. But even traditional magic is difficult and requires lots of ritual, practice and memorization. Now you have mathamtical computation, graphical rendering, automation, simulation, and multiple dynamic interaction.
Low magic
I hate the definitions that correlate between high magic and low magic. Sorcery is misunderstood and typically relates to low magic, spell casting to produce results. Really the goal with most magic is to bring about change one's environment including the sorcerer performing the ritual. Sorcery is neither good or bad its just a matter of energy but there is a clean distinction between high magic such as thamaturgy or theurgy which is considered ceremonial magic. So in basic terms I guess its ritual magic versus ceremonial magic. Again I just don't like that. So lets quote a famous magcian who practiced a great deal of low magic but a believer in god. This was his interpretation of Eliphas Levi's class work "The Dogma & Ritual of High Magic."
"Some ceremonial magicians label their craft 'high Magick' to haughtily distinguish their
art from the 'low magick' of witchcraft. Conversely, some witches and Neopagans use the term
sarcastically to brand ceremonial magicians and their like as snobs. Practical Qabalists, who presume their studies to be the only true high magick, use the terms to distance themselves
from both ceremonial magicians and witches. There are others who simply define low magic as
being all things nature-based (outdoor magick), as opposed to cermonial magick."
--Lom Milo Duquette
Some of the most beautiful magic written today seems to be Druid magic which is heavily influenced my John Michael Greers work on a revival project. He proposed to mix Neo Pagan and God by applying Golden Dawn principles into the tradition. So its a matter of distinction and perspective. You can indeed mix. But in the end you believe what you believe and this works for both. Substitute whatever source, symbol deity or not, into the work or go complete chaos and ride the wild ride its up to you.
This low magic is also called thaumaturgy. A Greek word thaumaturgia, meaning "wonder working" or "miracle working". This can also be called "practical magick" Very often thaumaturgy involves practical magical word done in the service of other rather than for one's own spiritual progress. Typical duties include lifting curses; lealgin, divination, blessings, invocations and creation of amulets. But there is also another term called high thamaturgy to sincerely use magical arts without financial gain. A thamaturgy magician does not invoke divine source, angels, or like minded spirits. In fact its possibly they might go in a different direction altogether which would include the invocation of the fallen angels, and associated demons.
High Magic
Ceremonial and therugy magic. This includes divine magic, "god magic". This includes a ritual purification and or consecration to form a union with the divine. So for every ritual there is a ceremonial aspect of invoke the blessing of god. Today the therm "theurgy" is often used to describe any for of magic having the primary goal of advancing he magician's spiritual transformation and embrace practical service to others.
Honestly I have seen both used together. Let's face maybe you might not be ready to invoke some Goetic demon without first invoking the blessing of god and calling on an angel to bind a demon to your will. So perhaps its a toss up. You can learn a lot from Stephen Skinner and David Rankine about Solomonic magic and dealing with both angels and demons.
Tech Magic, Cyber Magic
Finally this brings us to sorcery in computers. As far as magic is understood, with the definitions listed above. Overlap exists in everything. So if you wish to bring the divine and angelic symbols into the digital medium so be it.
Plenty believe Gods and Goddesses are real and extremely powerful beings that dwell on multiple planes of existence and have been around since the beginning of the known universe.
There are those who believe that Gods are thought-forms or anthropomorphic images created in the mind and brought to life through prayer. Some see Gods and Goddesses as ancient reservoirs of energy. Whether its monotheistic or polytheistic the reservoir is very real and anyone can tap into that reservoir
In traditional magic you have grades. You have to start somewhere. Most magical traditions have three grades such as the following:
- Neophyte
- Initiate
- Adept
Masonic Lodges have which hold the foundation for a lot of these schools have the following degrees:
- Entered Apprentice
- Fellow Craft
- Master Mason
Hermetic Golden Dawn has a zero grade of neophyte, 4 elemental grades, and a portal grade for a total of 5=6. It does go higher but that can be argued by different schools such as Zalewski and Farell. The tradition also has inner and outer order whch represent 3 grades
Crowley formed A∴A∴ consisting of the following:
- Student
- Probationer
- Neophyte
- Zelator
- Practicus
- Philosophus
- Dominus
- Adeptus Minor
- Adeptus Major
- Adeptus Exemptus
- Babe of the Abyss
- Magister Templi
- Magus
- Ipsissimus
Temple of set has 6 degrees.
Thanateros have 4 degrees in chaos magic:
- 4° Neophyte
- 3° Initiate
- 2° Adept
- 1° Magus
It stands to reason that a technomancer should have a few degrees to demonstrate competency. None of the grades list above really matter. With each grade you learn knowledge and you have to memorize and apply that knowledge for the next grades.
Technomancy Grades are as follows:
4° Neophyte - Cyber Magic Foundation which consists of
- Computer Science
- Occult Magic
3° Initiate - Beginner Cybermagic,
- Invocation, Evocation, Divination, Enchantment, including
- C, Golang, Javascripting, Lua, Swift, Oracle, RNG's
2° Adept - Intermediate
- Philosophers Stone, Illumination, Alchemy,
- Meta programming, Rendering, AI, ML, NLP
1° Magus - Advanced
- Atral, Aether, Bio-Electronics,
- Algorithms, P versus NP, Quantum Computing
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